I swore I wouldn't blog about other people's blogs. And this isn't. Kinda. Kinda isn't. So therefore it kinda is. Sigh. I give up. /becomes slave to internet culture. Found this little activity HERE.
Go to a photo hosting site
Type in your answers to the questions and post the first image you get as your solution. Here's mine:
What is your first name?
What is your favorite food?
What school did you go to?
What is your favorite color?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Who is your favorite Disney princess?
Favorite drink?
Dream vacation?
Favorite dessert?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you love most in life?
One word to describe you?
What do you dream about?
I'm going to go ahead and judge Flickr the winner over PhotoBucket in this challenge.
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