I've gotten photos back from two guests so here are the ceremony pictures from them. Reception pictures will be in a separate post.

This is the ceremony location at Sundy House. See the floating flowers in the water? I wasn't expecting those!

My mom went up the aisle escorted by our friend , Neal.

Dave's parents coming up the aisle.

The ceremony took place outdoors. The weather was perfect.

Our friend Anjanette gave a Buddhist reading:
In the future, happy occasions will come as surely as the morning.
Difficult times will come as surely as the night.
To say the words love and compassion is easy.
But to accept that love and compassion are built
upon patience and perseverance is not easy.

First kiss.
That place was beautiful as were you. I'm so glad you had a great wedding. And that reading was beautiful. I think when we have our actual wedding (we eloped the first time around) we will have something non-traditional like that. Absolutly beautiful! CONGRADULATIONS all around. And I'm sorry for the ignorant lock smith, I would have pulled my gun on him once I was in the house that woulda got rid of him...LOL
In the last pic is that your son looking slghtly bored in the background with the glasses?
You know he's kind cute! Enven htough he's drastically younger than me.
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